Wednesday, September 02, 2009

where have we been?????

I ask myself that....I just don't know. I do know that my last post was written right before I went back to work, and now it is 3 weeks later. What have we been doing???

....trying to get back in a routine (which is killing us, by the way). The kids are still in summer mode. They do not want to come in from playing with their friends, they do not want to do homework, they do not want to do their chores (neither do I come to think of it)...they want to PLAY, PLAY AND PLAY some more!!!!

....homework. Calleigh is being so responsible this year with her homework. She comes in my classroom each afternoon and sits down to do her homework. I am so proud of her. She LOVES her teacher!!! Actually, it is quit you may or may not know, Calleigh is a gum-aholic. She loves gum!! Well, she has found a fellow gum-aholic....her teacher!! "She like chews a piece until the sweet is out and then puts a new piece in." Only a gum chewer!!!, work, work. I have decided that no matter how many hours I spend in my classroom, there will always be work to do. I can not get ahead of the game. I have really super kids this year. I am so excited for the fun the year brings. OH YEAH...and I am Junior class sponsor. That means a prom is our near future. I have to admit though....I AM TIRED!!! I don't really understand how going back to work can be to exhausting. I have thought about writing this back to school post for a week now...just couldnt bring myself to do it...I AM TIRED!!!

.....enjoying the last of beautiful summer evenings. Although I hate to see summer leave, I love fall!!! I love love fall days with the cool crispness in the air. I love watching Longhorn football games on Friday nights. I love pulling out my warm sweatshirts. I love my snuggly flannel jammies. I just love fall!!

.....fall sports. The kids have kicked back into the their sporting gear. Calleigh is playing another year with the Texas Blue Devils. We are looking forward to another exciting year. We had such a fun year last year with the Blue Devils.....wonder what this year holds??? Robby is coaching Carson and his 2nd grade classmates in flag football. Carson is super excited. This kid eats, breathes, and sleeps football. He talks to me about all this football stuf...I just have to shake my head and pretend like I totally understand what he is saying. Uhum!! I am really excited to see his games.

....daycare!!! Ms. Cydney started daycare when I went back to work. It was such a heartbreaking morning when I first left her at daycare. She cried!!! I wanted to cry!! BUT, she has two amazing women taking care of her. We LOVED, LOVED, LOVED our Mrs. Toni last year...but, God has given us Mrs. Louise and Mrs. Eloise to love Cydney this year. They love Cydney!!! I have to admit is so hard to go pick her up in the afternoons and hear about the fun things she has done that day. She kissed her first boy. She took three steps one day, and five another. I am missing these moments of my LAST baby. I dont want to miss a thing!!! But, I know this is where God has us for now. Did I mention how exhausted she has been. Seriously....she laid down to take a nap today after daycare at 5:30 this afternoon, and she is still sleeping at 9:00. She is EXHAUSTED. She hasnt slept well at naptime at daycare....too much going on!!! She doesnt want to miss a thing!!!

....bottle feedings & babies. Baby calves that is. Calleigh started her 4-H bottle calf project about 2 weeks ago. We waited, waited, and waited for a baby calf to be born at the feedyard, but it never happened. We had to resort to locating a baby calf from a local dairy. Carson decided he would like one too, if we are feeding one, why not two. Unfortunately...Brownie didn't make it so we are back to one....RAIDER. He is pretty darn cute if I might say. Tonight he isn't wanting to eat so well so I got my turn at bottle feeding.

I hope we are all caught up. I promise to do better in keeping you up to date. Robby says...I have to post because you all are reading our blog and wondering why I haven't posted. I WILL DO BETTER!!!! Much love from our family. Wishing you all a happy school year.

Be blessed,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy fall in a part of the country where it does get cool and you do get that fall feel. I miss that about living near the Panhandle. Good to have you back on.