Monday, May 03, 2010

a great day

I really don’t understand why some days are more productive than others.  hmmmmm!!!  Some days I can work and work and seem to get little to nothing accomplished here.  The house is still a mess, the laundry is piled, and everything is a rush.  Hurry, hurry, hurry!!
Thankfully, this afternoon was not one of those days.  We came home after school, had a little playtime with friends, before we all jumped in and began mowing the yard.  It was so neat to see the kids excited to help out on the lawn mower.  Mowing has been one of my jobs since Robby and I first married.  We lived in the country and had so much grass to mow.  I hated it!!  It was such a dirty job.  When we moved to town, we still had a pretty big yard, but less dirty.  We still have lots of yard to mow, but we have a riding mower and that sure makes life easier.  
One of kids was on the riding mower, another on the push mower, Robby trimming trees, Cydney watching it all from the rocking chair on the porch.  She wants to keep a safe distance from all the noise.  (I think this would be the part I am supposed to insert pictures, but I failed to take any...oops!!)
Tonight it all fell together...our yard completely mowed, a good dinner together, baths, reading time, and in bed at a decent time. AND, my house is even picked up, laundry dwindling down.  It was so nice and peaceful.  I would like to duplicate this evening every night!!  Well....almost, I would prefer not to mow every night, but...
Many blessings...

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