Saturday, July 10, 2010

more potty training 101

This morning I decided since we had nothing going on today and the two older kids were out and about, we would try potty training.  Ugh!!!  It didn’t take long before I rememebered why I hated potty training so much.  Before nap time we were on our fourth pair of panties and had yet to make it to the potty.  Now, I am questioning myself...Is she old enough for to really get this?

I know she is a smarty.  She has proven that over and over in lots of things she does.  It isn’t a matter of smarts or whether she CAN get it. 
I also know that it can’t happen in 1 day!!  Oh, if only it could!!  Life would be grand at the Kirkland house.
She is so darn cute that when she wets her panties, I can’t help but smile at her, even give a little chuckle!!!
On with the potty training we must go.  She is down for a nap diapers.  A much needed break for this mommy!! Oh, how I (still) love diapers!!!

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