Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i am a baby

One thing I hate is needles.  I don't like myself being stuck by needles, or even my children at their immunizations.  I just hate it!!!  Remember this when Calleigh totally flipped while getting her flu shot.  She comes by it honestly.  I didn't completely flip out during my flu shot, but on the inside my heart was having some kind of flip out.  I know you are thinking, she is such a baby!!  I AM!!  I admit it!!

Robby is a very generous blood donor.  He gives EVERY time he is available when the blood bank to comes to town.  Me...I always have great intentions.  Just chicken out.  I even get to the parking lot...back out and drive home.  How did I birth three children you ask?  Birthing the children is not the terrible part, it is the epidural and IV that is the worst. 

Last week the blood bank called and thanked Robby for his last donation.  Their words on the answering machine said that he had saved a life.  This really struck a cord with the kids.  They were so impressed with their dad and how he had saved a life.  No kids, it doesn't hurt my feelings.

The school was having a blood drive today in conjunction with the school-wide health fair.  Due to the fact that it is only open to students and employees I thought it would be a good time for me to donate.  I also wanted to show my children that I am every bit as tough and purposeful as their daddy!!   I fought my desire to walk away every step of the way.  But, I conquered my fears and I DID IT!!  I did my part in saving a life too!! wasn't even that bad.


Nic said...

HA, Me TOO!! I am a big ole baby when it comes to that stuff. This past January the kids school had a blood drive. I was so proud that I did it! Then the next day I ended up the hospital b/c of it =) Won't be giving blood again! Go you though!!

Heather said...

I agree! The WORST part of having a baby is that darn IV! I even passed out with the third one. I had to do the three hour glucose test and while the nausea and sugar high were BAD, the worst part was the FOUR blood draws. I'm getting queasy just thinking about it. Good for you that you did it! I have issues with iron so I'm not allowed (thank the LORD!)

Anonymous said...

Good job Amy! I am TERRIFIED of giving blood too, I can't say that i would be as brave!