Wednesday, March 31, 2010

spring has sprung

The past two days have been the first signs of spring in the Texas Panhandle.  The weather here has been amazingly beautiful.  For the past many weeks, it would warm up only to cool down and snow again within a few days.  It has been some crazy weather here!!  Although I love spring days, I don't love the wind that usually comes with spring days here in the Panhandle.  Just when we think we have the perfect temperatures, the wind can blow like nobody's business.  It can make being outside nothing short of miserable.  However, the perfect temperatures yesterday were not dampened by the wind.  All was perfect!!

I was reminded yesterday of how much I love beautiful weather.  With the gorgeous day came a slew of kids to my house after school.  Cydney and I worked on cleaning out flower beds (I detest!!), while the kids had a heated basketball game on the driveway.  I love being the neighborhood house the kids come to for play.  I even looked out at one point, while cooking dinner, and the kids were having a water balloon fight in the backyard.  It wasn't quit that warm, but isn't it funny that when the first spring day rolls around...we drag out our shorts, tank tops, and think its time to swim.

Spring also brings new life.  As I mentioned earlier, I detest yard work.  Yes, I want a beautiful yard, and I don't mind it so much when it's green and gorgeous, but the preparations for a beautiful yard are not fun to me.  I come from a mother and grandmother with AMAZING!!! yards.  But mine...never looks that way.  I am never happy with the final product.  Last summer my mom even helped wasn't quit the same.  It didn't have the beauty of their yards.  So, I will try again this summer.

But the good news is...when my life gets withered and yucky, like my yard and flower beds are looking right, I don't have to stay that way.  Thankfully, my amazing Jesus died hung and died on the cross so that I would not have to live my life dried up and withered.  That I have living water to refresh and renew my dried spirit.  Isn't that amazing!!!  There is absolutely NO REASON for me to be angry, depleted, offended, upset, hurt, sad, or any other negative emotion because my Jesus took that all to the cross for ME and YOU!!!  

As we approach Easter weekend...enjoy the time with your family as we celebrate with our traditions.  But, STOP!!!  Don't just go through the motions of the holiday...take a moment to think of the amazing gift given to us at Easter.

Be blessed...You are a blessing!!

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